Allied Academies

Call for Abstracts

Food Science, Nutrition & Food Technology will be organized around the theme Reimagining Our Relationship With Food: Exploring Ethical And Sustainable Solutions For A Healthier Planet.
food-technology-2023 is compromised of 30 tracks and 76 sessions designed to offer comprehensive sessions that address current issues in food-technology-2023

Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks. All related abstracts are accepted.

Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.

Food science is a multidisciplinary field that incorporates chemistry, biochemistry, nutrition, microbiology, and engineering to provide one with a piece of scientific knowledge to solve real-world problems related to the many facets of the food system. The foundation of the discipline lies in understanding the chemistry of food components such as proteins, carbohydrates, fats, and water and the reactions they undergo during processing and storage.

Nutrition focuses on how people can use their dietary choices to reduce the risk of illness, what happens if someone consumes too much or too little of a supplement, and how tolerances operate. Supplements provide nourishment. The majority of supplements are made up of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, nutrients, minerals, fiber, and water. People are at an increased risk of developing certain diseases if they don't consume the correct balance of supplements in their diet.

Food technology covers selecting, distributing, producing, handling, conserving, packing, and using obtained food items. To improve the safety, sustenance, healthiness, and accessibility of food, food analysers, and technologists use logical disciplines such as science, design, microbiological science, and nutrition.

  • Food processing
  • Product and Package Development
  • Gene technology
  • Food fortification
  • Application of Nano-technology

Food chemistry is the study of chemical processes that include the exchange of all naturally occurring and non-biological food components. The food's substance reaction steers clear of microbial growth, food deterioration, and contamination.

  • Nutrition and Food Science
  • Food Toxicology
  • Food Processing & Technology
  • Organic Foods
  • Chemistry of Food Constituents

Food poisoning, often known as foodborne illness, is a condition brought on by consuming tainted food. The most well-known causes of food poisoning are infectious organisms, including bacteria, diseases, and parasites, or their toxins. Any time food is handled or produced, poisonous life forms or their toxins have the potential to degrade it. In the unlikely event that food is handled improperly or cooked, tainting can also occur at home. Food contamination symptoms, which might appear right away after consuming contaminated food, typically include nausea, regurgitation, or the flu. The majority of the time, food contamination is mild and goes away on its own.

  • Food born outbreaks
  • Food-born germs and illness
  • Causes of food poisoning

The purpose of food packaging and preservation is to protect food products from harmful effects and damage, to retain the food, and to give customers wholesome nuances. Food preservation is the primary driver behind food handling and is at the heart of food science and innovation. Food protection is primarily used to prevent unethical farming practices, provide value-added goods, and provide dietary variety.

  • Pathogenic agents
  • Enterotoxins

Food sources are rarely sterile and often contain natural organic compounds. They transport a diverse population of microbes derived from the typical micro greenery of sources. From harvest to preparation to consumption, microorganisms poison the food. A food tiny greenery mainly depends on the type of microorganism, the characteristics of the food, contamination, and the circumstances of handling and capacity. Microorganisms, parasites, protozoa, green growth, and diseases are among the microbial communities that are connected to different types of food.

Prebiotics a dyspepsia ingredient found in food that contains tiny living organisms that help the body's beneficial microorganisms flourish. Probiotics are a type of food that contains helpful microorganisms that nourish the human microbiota and improve digestion. These are excellent microbes, but prebiotics is what help probiotics develop.

  • Probiotics and Biomedical applications
  • Probiotics and Health: A Clinical Perspective
  • Mechanism of Action of Probiotics
  • Probiotic and Digestive Health

Nutritional science fundamentally manages the impact of food parts on human digestion, while dietetics will in general apply the study of sustenance for the counteraction and treatment of illness and the advancement of well-being. It intends to educate and empower people about nutrition. The main goal of nutrition research is to influence people's eating habits by reducing the production, availability, or cost of food. The role of nutrition and health specialists is to continue educating the public about the benefits of food and its constituents, particularly food sources and beverages that are related to their top health concerns, such as heart health, well-being, weight, and disease.

Foodborne illness, also known as food contamination, is a disease brought on by ingesting food contaminated with pathogenic or tainted microorganisms. It's possible that it occurred as a result of unsightly and dirty utensils, food that came from dangerous sources, and food that was served at an unsuitable temperature.


Functional foods include those that provide additional health benefits beyond their normal nutritional value. Some varieties include vitamins or other added ingredients that are meant to improve health.

The term "nutraceuticals" refers to anything obtained from food sources that have additional clinical advantages in addition to the basic nutritional value contained in food. They might be thought of as non-specific, everyday medications that are used to promote overall success, manage symptoms, and stabilize threatening systems. Nutraceuticals are products derived from food sources that are intended to provide extra medical benefits, in addition to the vital dietary benefit included in food components for the benefit of everyone.

  • Dietary Supplements
  • Multivitamin supplements
  • Nutraceuticals in Cancer Therapy
  • Nutraceuticals in Weight Management
  • Antioxidant supplements
  • Nutricosmetics

Complete nutrition is essential for people who are struggling with food addiction (which are well off in sugar, fat, and furthermore salt). Food addiction will cause mental chemical reactions that inspire feelings of brilliance and satisfaction. This response, which is recognised as a similar cerebrum reward focus, has been found to be virtually identical to a dependent person's response to their drug of choice.

The right diet makes sure that the body receives an adequate number of supplements, which are necessary to carry out the necessary tasks and maintain our body in a solid, stable condition. While Sports Nutrition is reportedly more perplexing. The Sports Diet is exceptionally designed for everyone, regardless of their eating habits, preparation, goals, or level of weight training.

Consistently consuming more calories is necessary to maintain a healthy pregnancy cycle. These calories have to come from a healthy diet that includes protein, organic foods, veggies, whole grains, sweets, and fats. held to the lowest reach. Eating during pregnancy is linked to bad mental health, a healthy birth weight, and lessening the risk of missing babies. Excellent Pregnancy Nutrition is known to help with coping with emotional episodes and may also help with work and transportation.

The majority of bio-chemistry research focuses on changes in the composition, physical characteristics, and functional qualities of food products as they are prepared and consumed. In light of modern science and organic chemistry, it has made only a little progress during the past few years. The substance sections of food components and additional chemicals are where recent advancements in natural and food chemistry are mostly focused.

Food processing is the collection of several methods and techniques used to transform raw materials (from plant or animal sources) into semi-finished goods or edible products. Food technology provides knowledge of science and innovation and develops potential skills for selecting, storing, protecting, managing, packing, and distributing safe, nourishing, healthful, enticing, as well as affordable, and beneficial food sources for consumers.

The study of enzymes deals with a specific collection of proteins known as compounds. The development, enhancement, transformation, and endurance of the life form depend on these proteins' ability to speed up specific substance reactions in a natural environment. The living thing suffers severe effects from the absence, accumulation, or dysfunction of a catalyst, some of which manifest as metabolic problems.

  • Additive Numbering
  • Preservative Additives
  • Nutritional Additives
  • Enhancer Additives

All food manufacturers should be extremely concerned about the quality of the food supply. Government and state offices place restrictions on quality control and assurance that are defined by guidelines, methodologies, or standards.

In order to increase crop yields, nanotechnologies may improve the efficacy of pesticides and compost. It may be possible to also work on cultivating yield by delivering food through the nanostructure of plants and animals. One important field of science is food toxicology. Uncontrolled impurities, whether they be organic or inorganic, can result in food poisoning and a few food-borne illnesses, which can have a bad influence on health and generate financial difficulties.

The definition of food fraud is defined as the false certification of goods. Bundling occurs when food is sold using a method of the deliberate demonstration carried out for financial gain, which includes misleading food items by introducing dangerous fixes.

A child's development and the advancement of their minds and bodies to reach their full potential depend on proper nourishment. Pediatric nutrition combines dietary improvement, care, and nutrition to support children's development, such as changes in organ function. Pediatric nutrition will help to reduce persistent illness and uncontrollable infection. Due to poor feeding practices, children will become unwell, which will increase the death rate among children.

The application of food science is covered by the multidisciplinary field of "food engineering," which is connected to "food manufacturing." The main goal of food engineering is to advance efficient modern handling in the transformation of raw materials, such as plant or animal sources, into consumable structures. This includes bundling, stockpiling, and circulation.

Malnutrition is a condition in which the body's functioning is compromised and the body's composition alters as a result of improper or insufficient absorption of vital nutrients. Malnutrition has been linked to obesity as well as a lower body mass index. According to definitions, obesity is a paradoxical form of malnutrition that, while consuming large amounts of calories, is linked to a deficiency in specific micronutrients. Essential micronutrient deficiency or equilibrium can have a substantial impact on everyday functioning, mental and emotional health, as well as physical health. Further weight gain or the emergence of additional metabolic illnesses can both be attributed to food deficiencies.

Food Economics is a rapidly growing industry because food has expanded into a very large, obvious, and never-ending space. The increase in each product contributes to economic growth. To improve work and to reduce actual work, we can use hereditarily altered seeds that have higher immunogenic qualities and furthermore yield bigger produce, improving the amount and quality of food that is delivered.

  • Applications in Food, Medicine, and Cosmetics
  • Grain science and technology
  • Harvest Handling and Processing
  • Fertilizers and Pesticides

Case studies are accurate reports of particular clinical cases and patient clinical histories. Food science contextual analyses refer to the commodities and import examination report of food goods from retailer to purchaser. Monitoring the inquiry of patients with food allergies, food sensitivities, and food-borne illnesses won't be difficult.

The current progress in nutrition and food science recognizes the potential connection between food and nutrition science, which eventually unites impressive and logical development in a variety of nutrition and food sciences. Scientists work to advance healthy eating habits, their sustainability, and ways to identify challenges in emerging nations through creative and logical progressions.

The wide term "agriculture" refers to everything involved in cultivating plants and rearing animals to produce goods that humans can use and enjoy as food. Agriculture, which also covers plant science, encompasses plant science as well as farming, which is cultivating the land and producing livestock. Sustainable resource management is becoming more and more important. Agricultural products are in high demand, which is likewise rising quickly. Because of its close interconnections with the global economy, human societies, and biodiversity, agriculture is one of the most crucial areas for conservation worldwide.

Predicting disease, preserving life, and advancing human prosperity through designed experiments and instructed decisions of society, affiliations, open and private, organizations, and individuals in the study and specialty of public health. Food that has been prepared to provide a greater quantity of well-being supplements in more than one kind or type is referred to as health food. Health food is also improved in other ways to provide a person with all of the necessary supplements in excess.

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